Lock Stock Boutique

Welcome to my blog! Random musings and sewing updates!

shabby blog

Monday, 19 July 2010

Lovely fabric update!

Been buying fabric online today. Lots of japanese style imports coutesy of www.fabricworm.co.uk
Can't wait for mine to arrive now, Planning on lots of little coin purses.
Off to France on Monday for a month! Don't quite know where we are going yet but heading south east with our tent and aiming for the Ardeche with our new inflatable canoe!
Have a hard week left at work this week. My last week of officially being a teacher before i reform my life to be a textile / craft artist!


  1. Emma one long week for maybe a life time of doing something that makes you feel good!!! And you are talented so you are half way there already. Hope you, Chris and the family have a great holiday and look forward to seeing some of your new stuff. Is there anyway on here to post pictures of your 'catalogue' of wares?

    lots of love
    Span x

  2. Alison keeling21 July 2010 at 19:44

    Lucky you Emma, the Ardeche is amazing - you'll have a brilliant time especially if you like goat's cheese as its quite famous for it! Hope your last couple of days at work go well

    Alison xx
